PE - Run, Jump, Throw

Learning Intention: I am learning to jump and land using my arms and legs go higher and further.

Success Criteria: I can jump from one space to another, taking off on either one or both feet and landing on both feet. I can use my arms and bend my knees to help me spring forward.

Alvin, you are able to use your arms to help you jump further. Well done.

CARE - Excellence

Learning Intention: I am learning to show excellence.

Success Criteria: I will show excellence through doing my best.

Alvin, you have shown excellence through managing yourself during group activities. Well done.


Learning Intention: We are learning to use active thinking.

Success Criteria: My buddy and I will dig a tunnel for cars in the sand, leaving a bridge over the top for the trucks.

Well done Alvin, you and Noah successfully dug a tunnel for cars, and the truck was able to drive over the top.

Term 4 Writing Sample - Fun with my Family

Learning Intention: I am learning to write about a topic.

Success Criteria: I am able to write about a time when I did something fun with my family.

Term 4 Numeracy

Learning Intention: I am learning to order numbers to 20.

Success Criteria: I will know the numbers before and after up to 20.

Term 4 Reading

I am learning to read using the punctuation correctly.

I am reading right to the end of the sentence, using the punctuation to
help make me reading make sense and be interesting. 

'I am reading so it is better to listen to'.